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Application view

The application view in the VIP Dashboard provides access to more information about the environments that belong to an application and manage their settings.

A user’s ability to access and interact with areas of the application view are dependent on the Org role or the App role that was assigned to them for that application.

Only a user with an Org admin role in that organization can provide access to the VIP Dashboard for other users and assign user roles.

Some users on the VIP Platform may have access to more than one application, and organization. Users can view a list of the organizations they belong to in the My Organizations panel.


The default Overview panel of the VIP Dashboard provides a snapshot summary of activity related to the environments of an application.

Network Sites

The Network Sites panel is only available for WordPress multisite applications. The panel provides a list of all existing sites on a WordPress multisite network, related information for each site, and the ability to launch a network site.

Domains & TLS

Select “Domains & TLS” from the navigation menu to access the Domains & TLS panel where a user can:


Select “Logs” from the navigation menu to access:

  • Audit Log: Provides visibility into all management actions that occur across the environments of an application.
  • Runtime Logs: Runtime Logs provides an aggregated, near real-time view into recent Application Logs from web containers (i.e. log entries generated by HTTP requests) for both WordPress and Node.js environments. For WordPress environments, Batch Logs from batch containers (i.e. log entries generated by cron tasks or WP-CLI commands) are available.
  • Slow Query Logs: Displays up to 40 of the most recent slow queries that have occurred on an environment.
  • WP-CLI Commands: Displays a log of all WP-CLI commands that were run on an environment using the VIP-CLI vip wp command.
  • HTTP request Log Shipping: Enable HTTP request log shipping for an environment to an assigned AWS S3 bucket.


Select “Performance” from the navigation menu to access:


Select “Code” from the navigation menu to access:


Select “Database” from the navigation menu to access:

  • Data sync: Sync database content from a WordPress production environment to a non-production environment.
  • Database Backups: Download SQL Database Backups on Demand.
  • Database Backup Shipping: Enable scheduled database backups to ship at regular intervals to an assigned AWS S3 bucket.


Media Backups: Download media files associated with a WordPress environment.

Access & Routing

Select “Access & Routing” from the navigation menu to access:


The Notifications panel provides the ability to create and manage Notifications and Important Alerts for events that occur on an application’s environments.

Last updated: July 11, 2024

Relevant to

  • Node.js
  • WordPress