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App role and permissions

Users granted access to an organization’s VIP Dashboard with an Org guest role can only interact with an organization’s applications for which they also have an assigned App role.

A user with an Org guest role can have 1 of 3 App roles assigned to them on a per-application basis (in order of fewest privileges to most): App read, App write, and App admin.

As an example, a user with an Org guest role in an organization that has 3 applications could have an assigned App read role for the first application, an App admin role for the second application, and no assigned App role and therefore no access to the third application.

Assign an App role

The settings panel for assigning an App role to a user is accessed by using the “Invite User” process or the “Edit Permissions” process.


  • Only users with an Org admin role can invite, remove, and manage user access levels for other users in the VIP Dashboard.
  • If an organization currently has no users with the Org admin role, and existing users are unable to view certain features such as the organization’s Usage Plan Details, contact VIP Support for assistance.

When the “Guest” Org role is selected for a user in the “Permissions” panel, an “Applications” field will appear below “Permissions“.

A user’s access level for viewing and interacting with individual applications within the VIP Dashboard is determined by the permission levels set by a user’s App role.

Screenshot of the Applications permissions dropdown

To set a user’s App role for each application:

  1. Select the label “No applications selected >” to view a list of all applications that belong to the organization.
  2. A user’s current App role setting is displayed in the label to the right of each listed application.
    Applications labeled “None” are not accessible to the user.
  3. Modify a user’s App role setting by clicking on the label and selecting either Read, Write, or Admin from the dropdown.
  4. Confirm the settings by selecting the “Set Permissions” button at the bottom right of the panel, or cancel the settings by selecting the “Back” button.

List of App role permissions

Permissions per applicationReadWrite
View all organizations that the user has access to in My OrganizationsYYY
View an organization’s Primary ContactsYYY
View all application(s) that the user was granted access to and its environmentsYYY
View Basic Authentication listYYY
View a list of Database BackupsYYY
View logs for Deployments to an environmentYYY
List environment variablesYYY
View HSTS settingsYYY
View Insights & Metrics for an environmentYYY
View the IP Restrictions for an environmentYYY
View the Monitor panel YYY
View a list of Network Sites on a WordPress multisite environmentYYY
View Software Versions settings for an environmentYYY
View a list of WP-CLI Commands run with VIP-CLIYYY
Perform a data syncYY
Start a database import to an environmentYY
Check the status of the current or most recent database importYY
View logs for Deployments to an environment and view detailed build logs for individual deploymentsYY
Roll back to a previous deployment in the Deployments panelYY
View, add, edit, and remove an environment’s domainsYY
Launch a site on a WordPress environmentYY
View a list of Media BackupsYY
Start and abort a media import to an environmentYY
Check the status of the current or most recent media importYY
Add a new Destination for an application’s NotificationsYY
View, add, edit, and remove all Notifications for an applicationYY
View the name and type of Destinations configured for an organizationYY
View Runtime LogsYY
Update the Software Versions settings for an environmentYY
Manage a custom TLS certificate for a domainYY
Manage a Let’s Encrypt TLS certificate for a domainYY
Run WP-CLI commands with VIP-CLIY Y
View a list of events for an application in the Audit LogY
Add, update, and delete user credentials in Basic AuthenticationY
Enable, update, and disable Database Backup ShippingY
Generate and download a Database Backups fileY
Sync a Database Backups file to a VIP Local Development EnvironmentY
Add, update, retrieve, and delete environment variables and their valuesY
Update the GitHub repository branch deploying to an environmentY
Enable, update, and disable HSTSY
Enable, update, and disable HTTP request Log ShippingY
View, add, or assign Destinations for Important Alerts for an applicationY
Add, update, and delete IPs in an IP Restriction ListY
Download a Media Backups fileY
Enable or disable New Relic for an environmentY
Access a read-only phpMyAdmin console for an environment’s databaseY
Purge URLs from the page cacheY
View Slow Query LogsY

Last updated: March 13, 2025

Relevant to

  • Node.js
  • WordPress