VIP Support
If answers to questions cannot be found in WordPress VIP’s documentation or in’s resources, the VIP Support team can help.
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If answers to questions cannot be found in WordPress VIP’s documentation or in’s resources, the VIP Support team can help.
The VIP Platform’s page cache is the first level of caching that each request encounters for both WordPress and Node.js environments.
The VIP Platform’s infrastructure includes several caching layers to enhance site performance.
The complete codebase of a VIP Platform WordPress environment includes WordPress Core, VIP MU plugins, and the custom code committed to the application’s wpcomvip GitHub code repository. The wpcomvip GitHub repository for a WordPress application is based on the vip-go-skeleton.
The VIP File System performs core image processing with a built-in image transformation service similar to Site Accelerator (previously Photon). By default, all images loaded from a site’s wp-content/uploads/
will utilize the VIP File System’s image transformation service and leverage the VIP Platform’s CDN.
Media files uploaded to a WordPress production environment are automatically shared with and available to associated non-production environments. This eliminates the need to copy media between environments as long as the development workflow follows code moving up, and content moving down.
VIP’s Log Shipping automatically saves a full set of HTTP request logs to an Amazon Web Services S3 bucket, batching uploads by up to 50MB or every five minutes. The logs are then available for storage, process, or analysis. Logs are an important asset for understanding the use of an application’s system, connectivity issues, performance tuning, usage patterns, and in analyzing service interruptions.
The WordPress block editor is the content editing and site building experience built into WordPress Core. The block editor is the WordPress editor enabled by default, replacing the classic editor.
Before installing a plugin candidate, evaluate a variety of the plugin’s qualities, including how completely the plugin candidate addresses requirements and/or the problem needing to be solved.
Plugins that are authored by VIP Technology Partners are installed and maintained with the same methods as all other plugins. Like all third-party plugins, the VIP Code Analysis Bot will review the code of Technology Partner plugins when they are added to an application’s GitHub repository in a pull request.