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Working with uploaded files

On most platforms, media files uploaded to a WordPress site are stored in a filesystem local to the site’s web server. On the VIP Platform, media files uploaded or imported to a WordPress environment are stored on the VIP File System, which is an external object store. A WordPress site’s /wp-content/uploads/ directory is mapped to this external object store. This design provides better security and allows VIP’s CDN to more easily scale access to a site’s media.


VIP’s cron infrastructure leverages WP-Cron provided by WordPress Core, and cron jobs are initiated and regulated by Automattic’s Cron Control plugin. VIP’s Cron Control provides an optimized SQL table for WordPress Cron events. This approach satisfies the highly concurrent querying commonly seen on VIP sites. Each named event in the queue is handled in parallel with other events, allowing for a large event handling capacity. The VIP cron system orchestrates the activity of the event workers in the different containers, to avoid conflicts with two workers processing the same event.