Optimize core queries at scale
Performance issues can be caused by core WordPress queries that perform well when a site has a small amount of data, but as the volume of site content increases the queries require a longer amount of time to execute.
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Performance issues can be caused by core WordPress queries that perform well when a site has a small amount of data, but as the volume of site content increases the queries require a longer amount of time to execute.
Analyzing a site’s performance, and making any necessary adjustments to improve it, will help to ensure a site’s performance during unexpected high traffic situations, including unpredictable types of request spikes. It can also improve a site’s performance during normal traffic patterns, and increase resiliency during expected high traffic events.
Rate limiting is a measure put in place to protect a site’s search services from spikes in requests that can cause instability. Rate limiting is likely to occur if many pages are making the same queries directly to Elasticsearch (ES) rather than making use of caching.
Indexing is the process by which data is compiled and inserted into Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch (ES) is designed for quick retrieval and filtering of items in the index. To accomplish this, ES does not store the full database of a site, and the index will differ from the site’s MySQL table indexes.
Several features built into Enterprise Search can be enabled with the command wp vip-search activate-feature
. Run the command with VIP-CLI, for example:
Post meta is not indexed by default. If post meta is not explicitly defined in the allow list, it will not be indexed.
Similar to post types, any registered taxonomy that is public will be indexed by default.
Enterprise Search automatically indexes all public post types.
To fully enable Enterprise Search, the feature must be code-enabled then an Elasticsearch (ES) index for a site's content is created using CLI commands. After those two steps are complete, standard search queries for the site will be offloaded to the newly created ES index.
Plugins must be installed by adding them to the /plugins
directory of an application’s GitHub repository in order to be available for activation. Once installed, it is possible to activate the plugins in the WordPress Admin dashboard (WP Admin). However, it is recommend to code-activate plugins instead to gain greater control and consistency across all environments (e.g., production, non-production, and local development environments).