Check the status of DNS records for email
To send emails from a custom domain, the domain’s DNS must be updated with the required DNS record values (SPF, DKIM, or DMARC). A domain’s DNS records must be detected by the WPVIP Platform before the domain can be used for sending emails.
Newly added DNS records for a domain might require up to 24 hours to fully propagate. Their status can be referenced in the domain’s Email Deliverability modal located in the Domains & TLS panel of the VIP Dashboard.
To access a domain’s Email Deliverability modal in the VIP Dashboard, a user must have at minimum an Org member role or an App write role for the application the domain is associated with.
Domains have specific application and environment associations.
- Navigate to the VIP Dashboard for the application that the domain is associated with.
- Select the environment that the domain points to (e.g., production, develop) from the dropdown located at the upper left of the dashboard.
- Select “Domains & TLS” from the sidebar navigation at the left of the screen.
- Select the “•••” button located to the right of the domain.
- Select “Email Deliverability Status” from the overflow menu.
Status types
The Email Deliverability panel displays the status of three types of DNS records required for a custom domain to be used for email: SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. The status of each DNS record is polled on a 12 hour cadence and will report one of three status types
- Verified: This DNS record for the domain is detected and is valid.
- Verification Pending: This domain has been recently added to the VIP Dashboard and confirmation of this DNS record is not yet complete.
- —: This DNS record for the domain is missing or invalid.

Last updated: November 07, 2024