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Database access

Direct access to an environment’s database is limited, but users can access a read-only phpMyAdmin console sessions and interact with WPVIP Platform databases using WP-CLI commands that are run with VIP-CLI.

Copies of database backups can also be downloaded from an application’s VIP Dashboard or with VIP-CLI.


Users with an Org admin role or an App admin role can access a read-only phpMyAdmin console with the VIP-CLI command vip db phpmyadmin.

The vip db phpmyadmin command opens a phpMyAdmin console for an environment’s database in the user’s default browser. The phpMyAdmin session will persist for 6 hours. To begin a new session run the vip db phpmyadmin command again.


For sites behind a reverse proxy configuration, all request paths that begin with [PROXIED_DOMAIN]/.wpvip/pma must be configured to forward to VIP in order to access the phpMyAdmin console.

Refer to phpMyAdmin’s documentation for additional guidance on performing read-only actions in the console.


WP-CLI commands can be run in the command line using the VIP-CLI vip wp command. Most WP-CLI wp db * commands are disallowed, but wp db query is allowed and defaults to read-only. For write operations, wp db query must be passed with --read-write.

The user will be prompted to confirm the action before a command with  --read-write is run against the database. To skip the confirmation prompt, include the --skip-confirm in the command.

As an alternative, a custom WP-CLI command could run a function that leverages $wpdb->query().

Database queries that include DROPTRUNCATE or CREATE cannot be executed.

Last updated: September 16, 2024

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