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vip import sql

Import a SQL database file to an environment.


vip import sql [options] [command]


-a, --app Target an application. Accepts a string value for the application name or an integer for the application ID.
-d, --debug Generate verbose output during command execution to help identify or fix errors or bugs.
-e, --env Target an environment. Accepts a string value for the environment type.
-h, --help Retrieve a description, examples, and available options for a (sub)command.
-i, --in-place Perform a search and replace operation on a local SQL file, save the results to the file, then import the updated file.
-o, --output Create a local copy of the imported file with the completed search and replace operations. Ignored if the command includes –in-place, or excludes a –search-replace operation. Accepts a local file path.
-S, --search-replace Search for a string in the SQL file and replace it with a new string. Separate the values by a comma only; no spaces (e.g. –search-replace=“from,to”).
-s, --skip-validate Do not perform file validation prior to import. If the file contains unsupported entries, the import is likely to fail.
-v, --version Retrieve the version number of VIP-CLI currently installed on the local machine.


- Import the local SQL database backup file "file.sql" to the develop environment of the "example-app" application.
$ vip @example-app.develop import sql file.sql

- Perform a search and replace operation on the SQL database file during the import process.
$ vip @example-app.develop import sql file.sql --search-replace=","

- Perform multiple search and replace operations on the SQL database file during the import process.
$ vip @example-app.develop import sql file.sql --search-replace="," --search-replace=","

- Perform a search and replace operation on "file.sql" locally, save the changes, then import the updated file.
$ vip @example-app.develop import sql file.sql --search-replace="," --in-place

- Create a copy of the imported file with the completed search and replace operations and save it locally to a file named "updated-file.sql".
$ vip @example-app.develop import sql file.sql --search-replace="," --output="updated-file.sql"

- Check the status of the most recent SQL database import to the develop environment of the "example-app" application. * This will continue to poll until the import is complete.
$ vip @example-app.develop import sql status


status Check the status of a SQL database import currently in progress.

Last updated: November 18, 2024