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Important Alerts

Important Alerts are Notifications that are sent to communicate time-sensitive information that potentially affect an organization and some or all of its applications or environments.

Automated Notifications for Important Alerts are triggered by events such as high or critical security vulnerabilities that are detected by Codebase Manager in a plugin deployed to an environment via Default Deployment or Custom Deployment.

By default, all users with an Org admin role or an App admin role receive Important Alerts by email. Additional Destinations can be added for the Important Alerts of an organization or an application. Customers are encouraged to add custom Destinations that will route Important Alerts to team channels and the individual(s) who are best able to take action in response as quickly as possible.

Access Important Alerts for an organization


To view, add, assign, edit, or remove Destinations for Important Alerts for an organization a user must have an Org admin role.

To access the Important Alerts panel in the VIP Dashboard for an organization:

  1. Navigate to the organization view of the VIP Dashboard.
  2. Select “Notifications” from the lefthand navigation menu.
  3. Select the text link labeled “Manage Alerts” located on the right hand side of the banner titled “Important Alerts”.
Example screenshot of the Important Alerts panel in the organization view of the VIP Dashboard

Access Important Alerts for an application


To view, add, or assign Destinations for Important Alerts for an application a user must have at minimum an App admin role for that application or an Org member role.

To access the Important Alerts panel in the VIP Dashboard for an application:

  1. Navigate to the application view of the VIP Dashboard.
  2. Select “Notifications” from the lefthand navigation menu.
  3. Select the text link labeled “Manage Alerts” located on the right hand side of the banner titled “Important Alerts”.
Example screenshot of the Important Alerts panel in the application view of the VIP Dashboard

Destinations for Important Alerts

Some Destinations for Important Alerts are configured by default and cannot be removed or disabled:

  • Important Alerts for an organization and its applications are sent by email to all users with an Org admin role.
  • Important Alerts for an application are sent by email to all users with an App admin role for that application.

More Destinations can be added to receive Important Alerts for an organization or an application. Destinations can be configured with a webhook URL for Slack, Google Chat, or Microsoft Teams, a general-purpose webhook URL, or an email address.

Add More Destinations

To assign more Destinations to receive Important Alerts for an organization or an application within the Important Alerts panel:

  1. Select the button labeled “Add More Destinations” located below the list of assigned Destinations for Important Alerts.
  2. Select an existing Destination from the dropdown menu.

Create New Destination

A new Destination can be created from within the Important Alerts panel:

  1. Select the button labeled “Create New Destination” located below the list of assigned Destinations for Important Alerts.
  2. Complete the fields in the form titled “New Destination”. Emoji and multibyte characters are not supported in these fields.
  3. Select the button labeled “Add Destination” below the form.
  4. Select the button labeled “Send Test” in the “Send Test Message” modal to trigger a test notification to be sent to the configured Destination.

Remove a Destination

To remove a Destination from the list of recipients of Important Alerts for an organization or an application, select the button represented by an “x” icon to the right of the Destination name.

Last updated: August 28, 2024

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