Notifications for an organization
Automated Notifications can be configured for events that occur on the environments of an organization’s applications (e.g., code deployments, plugin vulnerabilities identified in application code).
Notifications for an organization can be configured for:
- All environments belonging to all applications.
- A type of environment (production or non-production) belonging to all applications.
- A type of environment (production or non-production) belonging to a single application.
- A specific environment belonging to a single application.
Notifications for an organization’s applications are managed in the organization view of the VIP Dashboard.
To view, add, edit, or remove Notifications for an organization a user must have at minimum an Org member role.
To access the Notifications panel for an organization:
- Navigate to the organization view of the VIP Dashboard.
- Select “Notifications” from the left-hand navigation menu.
The Notifications panel also provides access to the Important Alerts panel for users with an Org admin role.
Add a Notification
Create a Notification for an organization within the organization’s Notifications panel:
- Select the button labeled “+ Add Notification” located in the upper right of the panel.
- Application: Select the field with the placeholder text “Choose application or start typing“.
- Select the application(s) from the dropdown list for which the Notification will be enabled: “All Applications” or a specific application.
- Or, type the name of an application into the field. As characters are entered into the search field, applications that match the characters can be selected from a dynamically generated dropdown list.
- Environment: After an option is selected for “Application”, select the environment(s) for the Notification. Select the field with the placeholder text “Choose environment or start typing“. Then type or select from the dropdown list:
- All Environments
- All Production Environments: This option will not be available if a specific application was selected in the previous step.
- All Non-Production Environments
- A specific environment: Select a specific environment belonging to a single application by type (e.g., Preprod, Develop, QA1). This option will not be available if “All Applications” was selected in the previous step.
- Event Type: Configure one of the available “Notification event types” to be communicated in the Notification. Only one event type can be configured per Notification.
- Destination: Select a Destination for this Notification from the list of options in the dropdown menu. Select the field with the placeholder text “Choose Destination or start typing“. Type or select a Destination for this Notification from the dropdown list. Or, add a new Destination to the option list by selecting the button labeled “+ Add New Destination” and follow the prompts.
- Select the button labeled “Add Notification” located in the upper right of the panel to complete the creation of the Notification with the selected configurations.
Enable or disable a Notification
Configured Notifications that are listed in the organization’s Notifications panel can be selectively enabled or disabled. A toggle button is displayed to the right of each listed Notification. Select the button to enable (“✔️”) or disable (“✖️”) the Notification.
Edit a Notification
Configured values for a Notification that is listed in the organization’s Notifications panel can be updated.
- Select the linked text “Edit” located to the right of a listed Notification.
- Update the configuration options for the Notification as needed.
- Select the button labeled “Update Notification” located in the upper right of the panel to save all changes made to the configuration of the Notification.
Remove a Notification
Configured Notifications that are listed in the organization’s Notifications panel can be selectively removed.
- Select the linked text “Remove” located to the right of a listed Notification. A dialog titled “Remove Notification” will display a summary of the Notification’s configuration, and require confirmation from the user before the Notification is removed.
- To proceed with the removal of the Notification, select the button labeled “Remove Notification“.

Last updated: September 16, 2024