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Excerpt Generator (Beta)

The Excerpt Generator (Beta) is an opt-in AI-powered feature of the Content Helper exclusive to the WPVIP Platform. The feature is designed to optimize the editorial workflow. This feature provides quick and intelligent excerpt suggestions for posts and pages that can improve search engine optimization (SEO) and audience engagement.


The Excerpt Generator feature will override the Jetpack’s post excerpt generation feature on a site where Content Helper is enabled.


The Excerpt Generator feature is not accessible until it has been activated for a site. Complete the form to request access and a team member will confirm when the feature has been activated.

Once activated, the Excerpt Generator feature can be utilized in the WordPress block editor view of a post or a page.

For new activations, only users with an Administrator role have access to the Excerpt Generator feature. Administrators can manage access for all other user roles within the Settings panel.

  1. Log in to the WordPress Admin dashboard.
  2. Select Settings from sidebar menu.
  3. Select the subnavigation menu item.

Generate an excerpt for a post or page

Only a logged-in WordPress user with the capability to edit posts can access the Excerpt Generator feature while working on a post or a page in the WordPress block editor. While editing a post or a page that has existing content:

  1. Select the icon labeled “Settings” in the upper right corner of the WordPress editor window to display the settings panel.
  2. Select the tab labeled “Page“.
  3. Scroll down through the panel and locate the component labeled “Excerpt“.
  4. Select the button labeled “Generate Excerpt“.

The AI-generated content in the “Excerpt” field can be manually updated by the user at any time.

Example screenshot of the Excerpt Generator feature in the WordPress post editor

Last updated: July 18, 2024

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  • WordPress