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The wp-parsely plugin is customizable and extensible in the WordPress Admin dashboard and by using PHP and JavaScript WordPress filters.


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When enabled, wp-parsely is only able to collect data from publicly available sites and publicly accessible URLs.

  • Sites under restricted access are incompatible.
  • Password-protected pages, or pages blocked from crawler user agents, are incompatible.

WordPress Admin dashboard

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To access the settings page for wp-parsely:

  1. Log in to the WordPress Admin dashboard for a VIP Platform WordPress site.
  2. Select “Settings –>” from the left hand navigation menu in the WP Admin.

More detailed guidance for configuration options in the WP Admin can be found in’s WordPress documentation.

Decoupled / headless

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The wp-parsely WordPress plugin is compatible with decoupled sites that use a WordPress backend. Some configurations in the client application’s code are required in order for the plugin to work as expected. Review’s decoupled documentation and reach out to the Support team if there are remaining questions about configuration.


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Metadata is automatically included in one of’s recognized formats (either JSON-LD or repeated meta tags) on all of a site’s core posts and pages. For Custom Post Types, this must be selectively enabled in the Settings page in the WordPress Admin dashboard. If valid JSON-LD metadata is implemented outside the plugin, metadata can be excluded by configuring the wp_parsely_metadata() filter. By default on VIP, the non-conflicting meta tags format is enabled. This can be modified in the wp-parsely settings page in the WordPress Admin dashboard.

If page metadata is causing issues on a site, report the issues in a Support ticket so that the Support team can assist. In some cases, improvements can be made to the plugin to reconcile a site’s metadata. JavaScript tracking code

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The tracker is a small JavaScript code that monitors user visits and relays them to the analytics servers.

If there are concerns about the performance impact of the wp-parsely JavaScript SDK, refer to’s documentation “Will the tag break or slow down my site?”. Additional information about the JavaScript tracking code, privacy, and GDPR:

Conditionally load the tracking code

If needed, it is possible to code-configure the JavaScript tracking code to conditionally load, for example to meet General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements or to load the code only after a user has consented to being tracked.

In PHP, use the wp_parsely_load_js_tracker filter to conditionally load’s JavaScript tracking code.

For a client-side event, use the wpParselyOnLoad and wpParselyOnReady JavaScript hooks to conditionally load the tracker code. 

Last updated: December 23, 2023