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Install VIP-CLI

VIP-CLI is a Node.js package that can be installed through a package manager like npm.


Do not use the sudo command during installation of VIP-CLI or Node.js, or when running any VIP-CLI commands.

If sudo is used to install a package, that package must be uninstalled.
Permission errors will need to be fixed. Do not use sudo to fix access permissions.

After the packages are uninstalled and permission repairs are complete, begin the installation process again without the use of sudo.


For Windows users, a compatible WSL Linux distribution (like Ubuntu) must be installed on the users local machine. All VIP-CLI commands must be run via WSL in order to successfully run as expected. This can be accomplished by installing and using the WSL-compatible Windows Terminal application for running VIP-CLI commands.

For security, performance and compatibility, WSL, Ubuntu, and Windows Terminal packages should all be maintained at their most recent release versions.

Install Node.js and npm

There are a wide variety of methods for Installing Node.js via package manager. All methods of installing Node.js will also install npm.

Installing Node.js with the version manager nvm is recommended.

Update Node.js and npm

VIP-CLI requires a minimum installed version of Node.js v18 and npm v8. It is recommended to use the latest active long-term support release of Node.js, which is currently Node.js v22.

Retrieve the versions of Node.js and npm currently installed on the local machine by running this command in the terminal:

node -v && npm -v

The package manager used to install Node.js and npm should also be used to manage updates. Refer to the package manager’s documentation for instructions on updating Node.js and npm.

Node.js and npm permission issues

It is possible to experience permission issues when installing Node.js packages globally.

This error indicates the need to fix permissions:

WARN install EACCES: permission denied

Follow this guide to resolve the error by reinstalling npm with a Node Version Manager (recommended) or manually changing npm’s default directory.

Install VIP-CLI

After Node.js and npm are successfully installed on the local machine, the installation process for the VIP-CLI package can begin.

Install the VIP-CLI package by running this command in the terminal:

npm install -g @automattic/vip

Authenticate VIP-CLI

Authentication is required to access VIP-CLI commands that interact with VIP Platform applications and environments.


A user must have access to the VIP Dashboard to authenticate a VIP-CLI installation.

  1. After the VIP-CLI npm package installation has completed, run the vip command in the terminal:
  1. A prompt for Ready to authenticate? will appear in the terminal.
  2. Select the “Generate Token” button.
  3. Select the “Copy” button to the right of the generated Personal Access Token.
    Caution: A Personal Access Token is unique to each user and should be kept safe like a password.
  4. Return to the terminal window and paste the Personal Access Token at the prompt for Access Token:.

A successful installation will automatically return output from the vip --help command in the terminal.

Update VIP-CLI

Updates are made regularly to VIP-CLI. Refer to the VIP-CLI package manager for the current release version.

Available updates can be installed by running the following command in the terminal of the local machine:

npm install -g @automattic/vip

Retrieve the currently installed version of VIP-CLI on a local machine with this command:

vip -v

Uninstall VIP-CLI

To uninstall VIP-CLI from a local machine, run this command in the terminal:

npm uninstall -g @automattic/vip

This command will only uninstall the VIP-CLI package; it will not uninstall Node.js or npm.

Last updated: March 10, 2025

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  • Node.js
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