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Check the index health

There is a wide range of subcommands available in wp vip-search health to check if your index is in sync with the database and to assist in debugging.

VIP-CLI command examples

For demonstration purposes, the <app-name> value example-app and the <env> value develop are used in the VIP-CLI command examples below. Read more about how to target environments in VIP-CLI commands.

Validating a single post

To ensure that a post is in the index and retrieve its information stored in the index, use the documents get <indexable-slug> command. For example, using VIP-CLI to check if post ID 123 is in the index:

vip @example-app.develop -- wp vip-search documents get post 123

Validating counts


To see the counts of all Indexables, use the validate-counts subcommand.

For example, a site that has Indexables of posts (with two index versions, 1 and 2 ), terms, and users:

vip @example-app.develop -- wp vip-search health validate-counts

Example output for the above command:

Validating post count

✅ no inconsistencies found when counting entity: post, type: post, index_version: 1 - (DB: 37498, ES: 37498, Diff: 0)
✅ no inconsistencies found when counting entity: post, type: page, index_version: 1 - (DB: 176, ES: 176, Diff: 0)
✅ no inconsistencies found when counting entity: post, type: post, index_version: 2 - (DB: 37498, ES: 37498, Diff: 0)
✅ no inconsistencies found when counting entity: post, type: page, index_version: 2 - (DB: 176, ES: 176, Diff: 0)

Validating term count

✅ no inconsistencies found when counting entity: term, type: N/A, index_version: 1 - (DB: 4, ES: 4, Diff: 0)

Validating user count

✅ no inconsistencies found when counting entity: user, type: N/A, index_version: 1 - (DB: 1, ES: 1, Diff: 0)

The output from the command will display for each Indexable:

  • type (usually only applicable for posts)
  • index_version
  • DB – number of found Indexables in database
  • ES – number of found Indexables in index
  • Diff – difference between DB and ES counts


To only display the individual Indexable count, use the validate-<Indexables>-count subcommands:

Accepted options: --version=<index version number>, --network-wide (for WordPress multisite)

  • Posts Indexable: wp vip-search health validate-posts-count
  • Terms Indexable: wp vip-search health validate-terms-count
  • Users Indexable: wp vip-search health validate-users-count
  • Comments Indexable: wp vip-search health validate-comments-count

Validating contents

Use the validate-contents to simultaneously check for and fix any inconsistencies (e.g. content mismatches and missing posts) between the database and the index:

vip @example-app.develop -- wp vip-search health validate-contents

Example output from the command with found inconsistencies:

Warning: Inconsistencies fixed:

Command options


Values not accepted.

Prevents the validate-contents command from fixing index inconsistencies.

vip @example-app.develop -- wp vip-search health validate-contents --do_not_heal


Values not accepted.

Provides verbose output in an array format for each inconsistency.

vip @example-app.develop -- wp vip-search health validate-contents --inspect

Example output where post 5 was not found in the index:

Warning: Inconsistencies found!
Warning: Formatting is being ignored!
array(1) {
  array(2) {
    string(20) "Post 5 to be indexed"

--start_post_id, --last_post_id

Accepted values: single numerical post ID

Limits the command to run against a subset of post IDs. 

For example, to start at 900:

vip @example-app.develop -- wp vip-search health validate-contents --start_post_id=900

Use both of these options together to limit the command to run against a range of posts.

For example, to index only post IDs from 900 to 1200:

vip @example-app.develop -- wp vip-search health validate-contents --start_post_id=900 --last_post_id=1200


Accepted values: numerical amount of objects to process per batch
Default value: 500, Maximum value: 5000

Determines the amount of posts to be checked and fixed per validation cycle.

For example, to increase the objects per cycle to 1000:

vip @example-app.develop -- wp vip-search health validate-contents --batch_size=1000


Accepted values: numerical amount of inconsistencies
Default value: 1000

To customize exiting the command after a certain amount of inconsistent records found in index. A large number of inconsistencies indicates the need to re-index.

vip @example-app.develop -- wp vip-search health validate-contents --max_diff_size=2000


Accepted values: table, json, csv, yaml, ids, count
Default value: csv

Customizes the format of the output.

vip @example-app.develop -- wp vip-search health validate-contents --format=yaml


Values not accepted.

Allows an additional validation command to run parallel with a validation command already in progress.

vip @example-app.develop -- wp vip-search health validate-contents --force_parallel_execution


For sites with large databases, it could be costly in performance to run parallel commands.


Accepted values: missing, mismatch.

Mode to target validation to a specific subset of index inconsistencies.

vip @wpvip.production -- wp vip-search health validate-contents --mode=missing

Last updated: August 21, 2024

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  • WordPress