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Re-install a Let’s Encrypt certificate

The VIP Platform will automatically make attempts to renew a domain’s installed Let’s Encrypt certificate 28 days prior to the certificate’s expiration date.


Installing a Let’s Encrypt certificate for a domain in the VIP Dashboard requires a user to have at minimum an Org member role or an App write role for that application.

If a Let’s Encrypt certificate fails to auto-renew, customers can re-install the certificate in the VIP Dashboard.

  1. Navigate to the VIP Dashboard for the application that the domain is associated with.
  2. Select the environment that the domain points to (e.g., Production, Develop) from the dropdown located at the upper left of the dashboard.
  3. Select “Domains & TLS” from the sidebar navigation at the left of the screen.
  4. Select the three dots (“···“) to the right of the domain.
  5. Select the “Re-install Let’s Encrypt” option from the dropdown.
  6. A confirmation message will appear at the bottom of the dashboard screen when the Let’s Encrypt TLS certificate has been re-installed.
A screenshot of the dropdown that appears after selecting the “···” link to the right of a domain

Last updated: June 17, 2024

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